
Weott - (.7 miles; Loop) - Big Trees Area Loop

Mattole Road
Weott, California 95571
Humboldt County

We don't usually include trails that are this short but if you're in the area, Big Trees Area and Rockefeller Forest are two must-visit places within Humboldt Redwoods State Park
The gigantic trees are as impressive as they are intimidating as you stroll along this easy path.  This is a family-friendly destination that will leave everyone feeling in awe.
Bring lunch to enjoy along Bull Creek which you'll have to cross to get to the trail.  You can take the summer bridge or walk across the fallen redwood that lays across the creek. 
Distance: Less than a mile

Degree of Difficulty: Very easy
Dogs: No
Camping: You can find info about camping within the park HERE.  Visit our Camping section for other nearby places. 
How to get there:  From Highway 101, take the Mattole Road (Honeydew) exit and head west.  A little over four miles down the road, you'll see signs for Big Trees Area.
More info:
The parking lot can fill up quick during summer weekends. 

Other things to do in the area:
Our Avenue of the Giants section is loaded with things to do in the area.  If you're hungry, our Dining section has some delicious options. 
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